Consultant gynaecologist Dr. Cathy Allen recommends emsella

We recently invited Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Dr Cathy Allen, who has a special interest in Post Reproductive Health, to trial the Emsella HIFEM (high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology) therapy. We are hugely thankful to Dr Allen who has very kindly given us permission to share her feedback.

Dr Cathy Allen says: “As a practicing Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, I frequently see women with pelvic floor damage and appreciate the significance that such a problem can exert on many aspects of Women’s Health. I was therefore, interested to know whether this therapy is something I could recommend to my own patients.

While uncomplicated vaginal delivery has many positive associations for mothers and babies, the effect on the perineal muscles of the pelvic floor is generally quite detrimental. Pregnant women are advised to perform pelvic floor exercises (PFE) both antenatally and postnatally, but significant variability in both compliance rates and competence in performing the exercises is well recognised. Vaginal wall prolapse, a sensation of laxity / reduced vaginal muscle squeeze, impaired urinary continence, and other associated conditions are well recognised in patients following vaginal delivery. Subsequent delivery, bigger baby size, and instrumental delivery can exacerbate the damage.

Symptoms of pelvic floor muscle weakness may become a quality of life issue in the post-reproductive years when estrogen levels decline; urinary incontinence is a common complaint in post-menopausal women with significant associated morbidity.

Emsella therapy itself is surprisingly comfortable considering how intensively the muscles of the pelvic floor are activated. HIFEM is precisive and discretely focuses on the target anatomical area. The sensation starts as a light tapping underneath the seat which builds up in frequency to elicit almost reflex contractions of the pelvic floor muscles. The adjustable nature of the controls allows the operator to comfortably up the intensity of the therapy relevant to an individual’s tolerance level.

Dr Allen continues: “I would agree with the medical literature supporting HIFEM to improve urinary continence and sexual intimacy. I would also conjecture that repeated sessions may Improve the aesthetics of buttocks in some individuals; elevation of the perineal body will also raise the infragluteal area.
This is an easy, convenient, comfortable and risk-free therapy. The non-invasive nature and extreme user-friendliness of Emsella makes it a very attractive modality for pelvic floor muscle strengthening. I am now going to encourage a course of it to my postnatal patients as well as older women with pelvic floor weakness.”