
Anti-wrinkle Injections

All of our anti-wrinkle and dermal filler injections are administered by Consultant Dermatologists and Plastic Surgeons only.
Please contact your preferred Consultant for an appointment.


Fine lines can typically be seen between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and around the eyes (crow’s feet). Lines on the upper lip, bunny lines on the nose, cobblestoning of the chin, and bands in the neck can also be treated.

Relaxing facial muscles can reduce and limit the size and depth of facial wrinkles for a more youthful look. Small amounts of anti-wrinkle injections over time provide great benefit to subtly you then and freshen the appearance. With less movement, the skin surface gradually smooths out and the lines begin to fade. Starting early is one of the best preventative strategies.

Treatment starts to take effect after about 4-7 days but it takes two weeks to see the full effect of treatment.The effect typically lasts 3-4 months, sometimes longer with consistent treatment. Anti-wrinkle injections are an excellent complement to a comprehensive skin care regimen.<\/p>

Why more Irish men are choosing anti-wrinkle injections

There has been more than a 300% increase in the use of anti-wrinkle injections for men in the past decade. There are many reasons for this increased demand. Men want to look and feel younger, more attractive and more confident. In this busy world, this is a quick, easy and relatively painless non-surgical procedure, with no down time. Men report wanting to feel more competitive in the workforce by looking younger and more rested.

Hyperhidrosis: excessive underarm or palmar sweating

Anti-wrinkle injections are also available for the treatment of troublesome hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) of the underarms or palms of the hands. Effects last 6-9 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Not if you are in the right hands! A good result should be subtle but leave you looking fresher and more relaxed. You should not lose the ability to make normal facial expressions. Many women fear having an unnatural or “frozen” look. That's why it's important to be treated by an experienced dermatologist or plastic surgeon who is conservative in their approach, an expert in facial anatomy and who individualises your treatment. Talk to your specialist about the results you want from your treatment.

Anti-wrinkle injections work by weakening selected facial muscles so that they cannot pull on the overlying skin, thereby reducing wrinkles. It does this by temporarily blocking the nerves to the muscles that are responsible for causing the wrinkles. Relaxing facial muscles can reduce and limit the size and depth of facial wrinkles for a more youthful look. With less movement, the skin surface gradually smooths out and the lines begin to fade.

Your Consultant Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon will discuss your treatment goals and perform a facial analysis to determine the appropriate anti-wrinkle regimen for you. The actual injection process takes about 5 minutes. It is the perfect lunchtime procedure – quick, minimally invasive and no downtime.

Patients report that being injected with anti-wrinkle injections feels like a pinch. If you are concerned about discomfort, we can apply a topical numbing cream before administering your treatment.

You may begin to notice results within 48 to 72 hours for moderate to severe frown lines, with full effect at 2 weeks. 

The effect typically lasts 3-4 months, sometimes longer with consistent treatment. Yes, it is better to wait until the effects of your previous treatment are almost gone before your next treatment so that you don't develop a "frozen" look.

Anti-wrinkle injections are being used more and more frequently by people in their late 20s and 30s who are trying to prevent fine lines becoming etched into the skin. The theory is that by starting earlier, people, and their muscles, can learn not to make certain expressions that contribute to worsening their lines. This has been examined by observing identical twins, one of whom had been using anti-wrinkle injections for years, while the other had not. The twin using anti-wrinkle injections was significantly less wrinkled and appeared younger.

Side effects may include minor bruising, discomfort or pain at the injection sites, headaches, drooping eyelids (2-5%), and swelling of the eyelids. Over-injecting or injecting too low on the forehead can also cause brows to droop and create a heavy look - this can't be erased - you have to wait until the anti-wrinkle injections wear off. True allergic reactions are extremely rare, almost unheard of, and there is no allergy test before the procedure. 

Your cost depends on the number of areas treated: forehead wrinkles, the lines between your eyes, crows’ feet, around the lips, chin, neck, masseter muscles, and areas of excessive sweating are priced as separate areas; typically €280 to €800. 

It is important to find an experienced specialist who will take the time to understand your treatment goals and develop a treatment plan that is right for you. Make sure your Consultant Dermatologist or Plastic surgeon is on the Irish Specialist Register for Dermatology or Plastic Surgery ( All physicians working at the Institute of Dermatologists are Specialist Registered Consultant Dermatologists or Plastic Surgeons.