What is Psoriasis?

What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease which affects approximately 2-3% of the population. The body’s immune system becomes overactive and triggers inflammation within the skin, the joints and other organs. It is characterized by raised pink/red lesions called plaques which are covered by a silvery white scale.

Psoriasis treatments aim to stop skin cells from growing so quickly and to remove scales. Options include creams and ointments (topical therapy), light therapy (phototherapy), and oral or injectable medications.

Which treatments you use depends on the severity of the psoriasis and how responsive it has been to previous treatment. You might need to try different treatments or a combination of treatments before you find an approach that works for you as everyone doesn't respond equally to treatment. There is no cure for Psoriasis, however thankfully due to continuous research into this chronic skin condition there are a huge number of new therapies which have emerged in the last 15+ years and continue to be developed for patients.

The key to successful Psoriasis management is working with your Dermatologist to find the right treatment plan for you.

Psoriasis management doesn’t stop at medication however, there are many other ways in which you can take care of yourself which will impact on your skin as one of the common triggers for Psoriasis flares is stress, and this last 1.5 years as been particularly difficult for those suffering with Psoriasis.

1. Take daily short, luke warm baths/showers as this helps inflamed skin and remove excessive scaling of the skin
2. Moisturise: After bathing, it is recommended to moisturise while your skin is still wet within 2 mins of patting the skin dry
3. Avoid your Psoriasis triggers where possible. Keep a note of what triggers your Psoriasis and take steps to avoid them. Anxiety, Stress are proven triggers of Psoriasis
4. Reduce your alcohol intake
5. Avoid smoking
6. Strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can help manage your psoriasis symptoms by being active, eating well and maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise reduces stress but also by maintaining a healthy weight this also can improve psoriasis by reducing TNFalpha which is found in abdominal fat and contributes to Psoriasis flares.