


👩🏻‍⚕️Ultherapy is an ultrasound device which targets the deepest layer of collagen, the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) .

👩‍🔬This layer is the target for this treatment. This layer is the foundation of your skin, having a healthy thick layer is the key to slowing down the ageing process.

As we age we lose 1% of collagen every year 😩 . Menopause causes a rapid reduction in collagen. By targeting this layer your collagen is denatured and we kick start the phases of wound healing. Think of your collagen as a raw steak , it’s loose not tight . When we apply heat 🔥 this tightens and becomes thicker and stronger 💪

Ultherapy is like an insurance policy for your skin , you are slowing down the ageing process.

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